

Adopt a Baphy!

Sobriety Without Superstition

The Satanic Temple Sober Faction is a peer-support recovery program that provides a variety of virtual and in-person meetings, a structured recovery process based in science, and dedicated, qualified volunteers to support a thriving international community.

Many of the volunteers in Sober Faction Legion have certifications in peer recovery coaching and advocacy, mental health, first aid, crisis outreach, nursing, suicide prevention and intervention, counseling, and more.

Complementing our hard-working volunteers is our Allyship program, consisting of peers learning from and guiding each other in recovery, without hierarchy. Further, Sober Faction meeting facilitators must complete the Facilitator Training Program and undergo a background check before they can lead official Sober Faction meetings.


The VII Rituals promote skills based on the fundamental ideas behind Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, and Motivational Enhancement Techniques. We seek to empower the individual and build self-confidence in a healthy and supportive environment, rather than require one to give their power away and carry a burden of guilt and shame.


You have the power to choose science over superstition. Heal thyself, hail thyself.

Our Goals:

● To promote sobriety without superstition.

● To raise awareness of issues surrounding addiction.

● To educate on the science of addiction and recovery.

● To raise awareness of the dangers of recovery steeped in theism, dogma, and


● To offer an alternative program to fulfill court-mandated substance abuse meetings.

● To foster a sober community for Satanists and other non-theists with similarly held


● To provide safe spaces, in-person and virtually, for those individuals seeking recovery

from addiction to meet and garner support.


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Name George Clarke
Activity Type Mailing list
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Date 11/17/24
Name marina phillips
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Date 03/25/24
Name Richard Perkins
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Date 12/16/23
Name Amy Ryan Courser
Activity Type Mailing list
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Date 06/27/23

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